Developing the Ability to Sense Danger

developing the ability to sense danger
Systema Spetsnaz Training

Is there a DVD that gives exercises on developing the ability to sense danger?
~ Neko, USA


hand to hand combat training

Hello Neko,
This is a really good question. Thanks for asking.

To develop a sense of danger, you should practice self defense with closed eyes. Russian Spetsnaz DVD #17: Combat Duality has great exercises for this subject. The DVD is 2 hours long and first 40 minutes are exactly about developing sense of danger or how to sharpen your senses.

Systema Spetsnaz Seminar - Combat Duality

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Breathing techniques can also prepare you for the combat with close eyes. We have several DVDs about different types of breathing and how to reach the “combat trance”.

First step is to be aware of how you breath. Then, the ability to change your breathing pattern. And then, you work on sharpening your senses, which will bring you to the combat with close eyes and ability to sense danger.

I recommend you to watch:


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