Find a Systema Training Partner

Find a Systema Training Partner

Welcome to Systema Spetsnaz Russian Martial Arts Academy. Dear students and friends, we are happy to tell you that we created this special page for you to find a systema training partner in your area. Because we can not come to every city in a world, we decided to help you organize small training groups. Once your group grows, Vadim Starov may come and train you in person!

Post a Request for a Systema Training Partner:

In the comment field below: write “Looking for a Systema training partner“, then write Your Country, State/Region, City, Your Name, Email and your Phone number

Your contact information will NOT be published on the website for a security reason.  It will be only your name and your location. Your contact information will be securely stored in our database. Once someone in your area wants to contact you, we will contact both of you directly.

Contact a Person Who is Looking for a Systema Partner:

Check the list of people below who are looking for a training partner. If you see someone in your area, then scroll down and inside the comment box write:

I am looking for a Systema Training partner and would like to be contacted by Name of the person, his/her location. Then, write Your Name and Your Location (Country, State/Region, City), Your Email and Your Phone number.

Looking for a Systema Partner

Systema Training in AmericaUNITED STATES:
Georgia, Atlanta: Brandi Arts
Tennessee, Nashville: Dmitri Rakhuba
Florida, Tampa: Ryan Krouse
Kentucky, Shepherdsville: Erik
Louisiana, New Orlean: Derek Sanchez


Systema Spetsnaz Training in IraqIRAQ
Kurdistan region, Erbil: Laween Ibrahi

Russian Systema Spetsnaz Training GreeceGREECE
Athens, Kleoniki Athanasiadi


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